Spiritual readiness, preparation and growth do not just happen. You cannot depend on a Sunday morning service to provide all your spiritual needs. You cannot depend on fellowship to provide you with spiritual development. The first step in being ready comes through salvation. Salvation is the deliverance from sin and its consequences. Romans 6:23a tells us that “the wages of sin is death.” A wage is a payment. Therefore the payment for sin is death. The justice of God, demands that a penalty for sin be paid.
Sin puts mankind into a state of captivity from which a price must be paid in order that a person might be redeemed or purchased out of that state. The state of captivity, brought about by the sinful condition of mankind, is like a slave market where people are sold as the possession of the purchaser, and in order to be free, the slave must pay for a release or deliverance; this is a ransom. Mankind is "sold under sin" (Romans 7:14 says, “For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.”) and therefore we fall under the judgment of God. The judgment has already been pronounced by God and the penalty is death, both physically and spiritually. The death of Jesus Christ is the ransom paid in order to redeem the human race from the penalty of sin. The ransom is paid to God, as a payment for the release of mankind from the penalty of their sinful state. Jesus Christ in His death on the cross satisfies the justice of God and allows Him to forgive sinful human beings through His mercy and grace. Therefore the only method of deliverance from sin can be found in the blood of Jesus. The hymn writer penned it perfectly one day when he wrote, “What can wash away my sin, (then he answered it) nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fountain I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon, this I see, nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Naught of good that I have done, nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Now by this I'll overcome- Nothing but the blood of Jesus, Now by this I'll reach my home- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Glory! Glory! This I sing- Nothing but the blood of Jesus, All my praise for this I bring- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. The Wage of Sin is death but gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ.
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