Saturday, July 30, 2011


Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Those who are called by His name are called to a lifestyle of prayer.  When we pray we are bringing our lives to intersect with God and in the moment that we meet with God something amazing happens; He pours Himself into our lives. 
Prayer is the foundation of a growing relationship with God and without prayer that relationship will suffer and never truly grow. We must go deeper with God if we ever want to experience power in our lives. Every day we make a decision to either build up that relationship with God or to settle for where we are in our relationship with Him.
Prayer is our time with God.  It brings us into a oneness of heart with Him.  When we pray we are able to experience His heartache over the lost, His compassion for the hurting, and His love for others – even our enemies.  Prayer changes people and situations.  Therefore if we want to experience true forgiveness we must pray and ask our Heavenly Father for forgiveness. 
Seek the Face of God
If you pay close attention to someone's face you can see a lot of things.  In their eyes you can see if they are at peace.  In their countenance you can see if they are happy, sad, mad, scared, or indifferent. You can tell what they think about you. When we are seeking God's face we are seeking His heart and His mind.  David was anointed King because "the Lord sought out a man after His own heart..." (1 Samuel 13:14).  Most people that are "seeking God" are seeking His hands, not His heart. They are seeking what God can do for them. Their prayers to Him consist(s) of please heal, please give, please fix... This is not "seeking God" and this is definitely not "seeking His face." In fact, in order to seek God's face we need to step way out of our daily routine and comfort zone. We have to be ready to set aside any ideas and thoughts we already have about God. We have to be ready to accept anything that God illuminates to us. We need to let go of everything. As long as we are holding on to earthly things we will never ascend to the level of stepping into heavenly things.
The Hebrew word for seek means to intend to find or to deeply desire. To seek something from God means to have the burning desire to see it happen and then to actively and persistently pursue it.  Many of us will never see the miraculous movements of God because we don’t want it bad enough. We are content with things the way that they are.  To see the kind of miracles we read about in the Bible means we must open ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit and then obeying what the Spirit says.  God is waiting on us to sincerely and whole heartedly seek His face.  Doubters don’t seek the face of God.  God has not changed.  If He did it then He can do it now.
 God said these words to Jeremiah (Jer 29:13): “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” We will only truly seek the face of God when we truly desire that which only He can give us.  Once that desire is there, then we must pursue it.  Only when we seek God urgently and whole heartedly will He be found.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Humble Yourself

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

To be humble means to be in a state of surrendered submission. When we humble ourselves, we are literally saying to God, you are in control of my life.  Matthew 18:4 (King James Version) says, “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” 

        Sometimes we just need to look back and see where God has brought us from.  There is a song that says, “He brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light, look where He brought me from.”  God is holy and He hates sin.  The Bible says even at my best I’m just a filthy rag so I can’t get high and mighty and think I’m something because if it had not been for the mercy of God I still would be in a hot mess.  God says His people must humble themselves. 

        To be humble means to be brought low. Before God we are to be clay in the hands the "Master Potter."  When we humble ourselves before God we are allowing God to mold and shape us to His will.  When God molds us:

1.) We are open to His guidance (Psalm 25:9)
2.) We know His grace (Proverbs 3:34)
3.) We have a gentle heart (Matthew 11:29)

Thus we become pliable not to our own will but to the will of God. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Conditions of Forgiveness

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek  my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive  their sin, and will heal their land.”
Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.  How many of us have been doing life all wrong and knowing that it was wrong and expecting it to turn out right? Many of us keep living life in the “I know I shouldn’t go here zone” expecting God to bless our mess. 
       Being a follower of God has benefits and rewards but turning from Him brings suffering, punishment and destruction.  God’s answer to Solomon was based on conditions.  God’s answer was directed towards a specific audience.  “If my people.”  The “if” here is the beginning of the conditions that God is looking to be met before He will act.  It is clear that God is issuing a conditional promise to His people - do these things and I will respond. God has an expectation of specific things before He brings forgiveness.  These promises are only for those who place their faith in God. God is speaking to His people and no one else here. We must understand that this is an exclusive requirement that God only offers to His people.
       Then he clarifies who His people are.  He says, “Who are called by my name.” God calls us out from among the world.  Being a Christian means that we are meant to stand out from the rest of the world.  We must live holy lives because we value what God values.  Christians value an eternal promise and we value a lifestyle of holiness.  We are called to be a holy priesthood.  Every believer has the responsibility for ministry, not just the pastor, ministers, or deacons. We are all called to be Christ’s witnesses in this world, to share His truth, and to boldly seek His power.
        We are known by a new name.  Whenever we are saved we are a new creation we are given the opportunity to live a transformed life. When we came to Christ we became associated with His name, we became Christians as they were first called in Acts 11:26. 
Who are the people of God?  We are those who have confessed our sins, asked for forgiveness of that sin, and believed in our hearts that Christ was hung, and died on Calvary and on the third day God raised Jesus from the dead. We are those that are named Christians.  We are the church.  God is not looking for the sinners to be loyal to Him but He’s looking for those who have been called by His name to reverence and honor Him.  God’s response leads me to believe that those who are supposed to be called by His name are not reverencing Him for who He is.  How do you have kinship and not have the character of the one in which you are kin?  God is looking for His people who are called by His name to act like their Daddy. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Based on the book Fasting by Jentezen Franklin

Why Have We Failed at Fasting?
·         Why is fasting so commonly overlooked if it is a part of that threefold cord of normal Christian duties?  Jentezen Franklin says, “You see fasting means crucifying what I refer to as “King Stomach.” And in case you don’t know who King Stomach is, just move your handout of the way, look down, and introduce yourself.  You’ve probably already heard him rumble in disagreement a time or two since you began this study.” 
·        It has been said that the way to a man’s heart is through his ______ . 
Most women have come to know it, but we need to realize that the devil knows it too! (Wow!)
What does Fasting Do For Us
·        Fasting sets the course for our lives.
·        Fasting prepares us for blessings.
·        Fasting releases the principles of Matthew 6:33 in our lives. 
Pratical Tips for Fasting
·         Remember when you begin a fast, if it doesn’t mean anything to you  it won’t mean anything to God.  It must be combined with prayer and the Word of God. 
·        Fasting itself is a continual prayer before God.  When we are fasting we are dying to our flesh so that God’s desires become our desires.  There will be times your spirit desires to pray for long periods of time and other times when you are physically drained.  Remember Christ is interceding on your behalf. 
·        Fasting is not a time to sit in front of the television.  (see pg. 36-37)
·        Don’t gorge yourself on food the days before a fast.  Taper off your food intake in preparation for your fast. 
·        Water is the faster’s best friend, so drink plenty of water throughout.

Physical Benefits : Healing
·        Fasting cleanses your body.  (Especially when you are eating only vegetables or meat and vegetables.) 
·        As you begin a fast, you may notices a sort of coating on your tongue for a few days.  It is a sign the fast is helping your body eliminate toxins.  (Note: We consume on average 4 pounds of chemical preservatives, colorings, stabilizers, flavorings, and additives each year.  These build up in our bodies and cause illness and disease.  Fasting is necessary to flush our bodies of these poisons and gives the body time to heal.  It relieves nervousness, tension, and gives our digestive systems time to rest. 
·        Dr. Oda H. F. Birchinger, has supervised more than 7 thousand fast and said, “ Fasting (Daniel Fast particularly) is a royal road to healing, for anyone who agrees to take it, for recovery and regeneration of the body, mind, and spirit”  It can help:
o   Rheumatisn in the joints and muscles
o   Disease of the heart, circulation, blood vessels, stress-related exhustation, and skin diseases (pimples & complexion problems), irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, disease of respiratory organs, allergies such as hay fever and eye diseases
Read Romans 12:1
Prayer, Fasting, and Giving is how we “present” our bodies to God as a “living”  sacrifice.  Fasting keeps us sensitive to His Spirit, enabling us to live holy.   
Final Thoughts From Jentezen Franklin
“I am convinced that we will never walk in the perfect will of God until we seek Him through fasting. When you present your body in this manner, you open yourself up to hear from God.  You will discover His good and perfect will for your life.” 
“Fasting prepares you for a new anointing.”  (See Mark 2: 21-22)
“Satan gets disturbed and defeated when you decide to be more than a Sunday morning Christian.  The devil knows fasting releases God’s power.” 
Closing  - Read Psalms 34:8

Friday, July 22, 2011


Based on the book Fasting by Jentezen Franklin

Read Matthew 6:1-18
What Fasting is NOT
·        Fasting is not merely going without food for a period of time.  That is dieting or maybe even starving, but fasting it is not. 
·        Fasting is not something only done by fanatics.
·        Fasting is not to be done only by religious monks in a cave somewhere.
·        Fasting is not limited to minister or to special occasions.  
What is Fasting ?
·         Fasting is refraining from something (usually food) for a spiritual purpose.
·        Fasting is and should be a normal part of our relationship with God. It brings us into a deeper and more powerful relationship with God.

Read Psalm 42

·        When you eliminate food from your diet for a number of days,  your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and amazingly sensitive to the things of God.  As David stated, “Deep calls unto deep” (Psalm 42:7) David was fasting.  His hunger and thirst for God were greater than his natural desire for food.  As a result, he reached a place where he could cry out from the depths of his spirit to the depths of God, even in the midst of his trial.  Once you’ve experienced even a glimpse of that kind of intimacy with our God – our Father, the holy Creator of the universe – and the countless rewards and blessings that follow, your whole perspective will change.  You will soon realize that fasting is a secret source of power that is overlooked by many. 
Who Should Fast?
·         Jesus fasted and He is the model for all Christians therefore all Christians are called to fast.   (Read Luke 4: 1-15) (Luke 5:30-35)
Three Responsibilities of Every Christian
Payer à  Fasting à Giving = Threefold Cord
“A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12
Our desire is to walk so close to God, and to be so interlocked into His will for our lives that the enemy is not easily tempted to distract us. 
Could we be missing our greatest breakthrough because we fail to fast?
More Tomorrow....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Worship Only God

Yesterday, I shared with you that to be blessed we are to obey God.  Israel repeatedly failed to obey God.  Today I will share the 4th blessing.  We are blessed when we worship the one and only true God.

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:26-28   “See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”
Worship Only God
In verse 28 God warns Israel about having part time lovers.  He tells them, “the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.” 
God wants our honor and reverence to be to Him and Him alone. He is the only one who deserves our worship.  Who is it that woke you this morning?  Who provided you with food on your table?  Who gave you clothing to put on your back?  Who gave you gas and transportation?  Who healed your sick body? Who saved you from yourself, sin, and destruction?  Who deserves to be worshiped?  God deserves our worship!
Israel had previously turned to other gods many times.  These gods had not done anything for them.  They didn’t love them and they certainly didn’t prosper them.  They only brought them a curse.  The same holds true for us.  Satan does not love you.  He has never brought you anything but a curse.  I pray today you will walk away from Him and turn to the only God who has ever loved you. 
        We can either choose God, and benefit from the BLESSINGS that come from following Him, or we can reject God and walk out from under His hand of blessing and protection, bringing upon ourselves a CURSE.  The choice is ours.  But I ask you today to:
Remember: Remember one day that Jesus was accused of a crime he did not commit.  Although He had not done one thing wrong He had to suffer in our stead.  Remember He had to endure the fatigue and heartache of going from judgment hall to judgment hall only to be found of no faults.  Remember that they beat Him until large chunks of His flesh were ripped from His body.  Remember that they placed Him on an old rugged cross. Remember that He died for us on that cross.  Remember that He was buried in a borrowed tomb but on the third day He rose with all power in His hand. 
Love God by obeying His first command for Exodus 20:3 says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” If you have not made the choice to follow Jesus by first admitting that you are a sinner, secondly, confessing that you are in need of a Savior, and thirdly, by asking Jesus to come into your heart you by default have another god whose name is Satan.
       If this is the state of your life I plead with you today to come to Jesus.  He loves you so much that He died for you.  Right now He’s pleading your case before the Father begging that He give you this chance.  Don’t miss your blessing.  Don’t miss your blessing.  Don’t miss your blessing.   Don’t give Satan the chance to talk to you out of the blessing God has in store for you.  Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart right now.  Don’t ignore him.  That discomfort that you feel that tension that is moving through your veins is Jesus.  Listen to Him.  He’s drawing you to Himself.  He’s saying come.  Come! Come!  Don’t let Satan hold you hostage in your mind.  Tell Him No! Not today!  Tell Him Jesus died for me and I will no longer be shackled by sin.  Take this opportunity by the power of God to move out of your state of sinful comfort and come running to the arms of Jesus.  He’s standing right there waiting for you.  He’s been waiting for you.  It’s your choice.  Disobedience to God brings a curse but Obedience brings blessing in your life. Love & Blessings!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yesterday, I shared with you that to be blessed we are to love God.  God has loved each of us unconditionally and He's so jealous over us that He wants us to love Him more than anyone or anything.  That is one thing that Israel failed to do, they didn't love God.  Our love is not expressed the most in our words but more through our actions. Today, I want to share with you that we are bountifully blessed when we are obedient. Obedience is a very difficult factor of life.  I struggle daily with it but to be blessed in the kingdom we must obey God and those who are in authority over us.   

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:26-28   “See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”
Obey God

God wants us to obey Him.  To obey God is to know that with every fiber of your being you honestly believe, trust, and love God more than anyone or anything in your life.  The one that you love the most is the one you will choose to please.  If you love you more than anything or anyone else in life you will choose to please you above pleasing God.  So to be a Christian you must desire the things of God greater than any person or anything this world has to offer you. 
There is no other way to say it.  Obedience brings blessing in our life.  Even our prosperity is tied to our obedience in Him.  All of us either at this stage in our lives are children or have been a child.  The only time you get or got punished by your parent is when you do what?  Disobey.  Doing those things that mommy and daddy have told you not to do brings trouble (curses) (whippings, punishment, loss of privileges in our lives.)  The same holds true with God.  When we don’t follow His commands we can’t receive His blessings.  When we don’t obey Him, it’s against His will to help us, favor us, or make us happy. 
Disobedience always carries a price tag. Another word for disobedience when it comes to our relationship with God is the word SIN. Sin always cost us something. Children, parents don’t stop loving their children when you do wrong. They just can’t reward bad behavior.  God doesn’t stop loving us when we sin, but there is a penalty for sin.  When we choose to sin, we choose a curse instead of a blessing to come into our own lives.
  God wants to protect us from sin but if we don’t want His protection He’s not going to force us to receive it.  God’s desire for us is the same desire He had for Israel.  He wanted so desperately to bless them with the Promised Land but they wanted as we often do to do their own thing. If Israel obeyed God they would be prosperous and satisfied.  If we want BLESSING, upon BLESSING, upon BLESSING from God, then must learn to OBEY, OBEY, and OBEY God.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If You Want to Be Blessed Love God

 Yesterday I shared with you that to be blessed you should remember what God has done for you just as Israel needed to reflect on God's blessings.  Today I want to share with you that those who love God are blessed.
Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:26-28   “See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”

Love God
When asked by the Pharisees to quote what he considered to be the greatest Commandment, Jesus replied in Matthew 22:37 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”  We must make loving God our priority. God said to His people in Deuteronomy 11 the same exact thing. Vs. 13 “If you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul (I will BLESS you.)¨
 Our God is a jealous God.  He loves us more than anyone could ever love us.  He knows that no one will love us the way He loves us.  That love leads to Him be jealous over us. But, how full is your love tank for God?  Write that down.  How full is my love tank for God? 
Many of us say we love God but much of our confession of love is just lip service.  You’ve heard the saying before, love is an action word.  If you love me, show me.  If you hang around Pastor Wright and I for a little while you will know that we love each other.  We’re touching, hugging, kissing, smiling, commenting or joking with one another.  Our love for one another is expressed by our actions.
God is no different.  If you truly love Him everyone knows it by your actions. When was the last time you loved on God, and somebody noticed it at as being real love?  There is a huge difference between telling someone you love them and really loving them.  God does not want superficial love.  He wants you to love Him with everything you’ve got.  He says it right in verse 13.  He says love me with all your heart and with all your soul.  All is everything you’ve got! 
Most of us have experienced cheap love.  There is no blessing in cheap love.  Cheap loves says, “Yeah, baby I love you.  Yeah, baby I’m gonna’ be with you.  Yeah. baby I’ll do that just for you.  But when you really need love, a cheap lover is nowhere to be found.  Cheap love is conditional and always ends up hurting.  Some of us are to God, cheap love.  Don’t give God cheap love.  To Him cheap love is no love at all.  In a relationship with God you are not the player and He’s not your prostitute.  LOVE Him for real or there’s no love between you at all. 
Some of us have some major commitment issues.  We won’t commit to anyone or anything.  But realize your lack of commitment to God brings a curse in your life.  You wonder why everything seems to always go wrong in your life and you always have an issue check out your love status with God.  Until you love God, you honestly cannot love anyone else.  Fall in love with Him and watch all the love in your life blossom to new levels.  I’m not your hater, I’m your elevator!  God says love me and see blessings flow in your life.   Love God!

Monday, July 18, 2011

4 Things That Bring Blessing In Your Life

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:26-28   “See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”
 I want to share four things with you today that will bring blessings rather than curses in your life. They are remember, love God, obey God, and worship only God.  Today we I want you to remember.   
I. Remember
At the beginning of chapter 11 Moses reminds the people to remember all that God had done for them.  He tells them to remember that their children were not there they didn’t see and experience the discipline of the Lord.  They didn’t experience His majesty, His mighty hand, His outstretched arm and the miracles He performed.   They didn’t experience God’s deliverance from the mean old Pharaoh and the Egyptians.  They were not there when God turned the Red Sea into a highway and allowed the Israelites to cross but looked back to see Pharaoh’s army drowning in approximately three feet of water.  Their children didn’t know anything about the manna and water God provided for them in the desert.  It was their responsibility to remember and make sure their children know that God always had and always would bless them if they obeyed His commands.  Moses tells them that remembering what God has done will give them the strength to move into the blessed places God had in store for them. 
Likewise God wants us to remember all that He’s done for us.  He’s holding us accountable to tell younger generations about the mighty God we serve.  He never wants us to forget all that He’s been and all that He’s done for us.  There will be days that we will get weary.  There will be days that we feel like we just can’t go on.  But God!  When you take a look back and think about where God has brought you from you receive strength to press on a little while longer.  He tells us not to get weary in well doing we’ll reap if we faint not. Remember!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Obedience=Blessing Disobedience=a Curse

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 11:26-28 
“See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”
Dr. Cho is the pastor of the largest church in the world.  His congregation hails over one million members.  Someone asked Dr. Cho, “What is the key to your great success?”  His reply was very simple “I pray and obey.”  Obedience to God will always bring blessing in your life. 
Blessings are gifts from God of help, favor, and happiness. Curses are causes of unhappiness or harm.  One of the very first principles that every Christian must learn is that obedience to God guarantees blessings. Now please don’t misinterpret what I said.  I did not say it guarantees you a life without ever having any trouble.  I did not say that!  God can bless you even in the midst of your troubles?  However, obedience guarantees blessing.
God is speaking to His people & He says, “See, I am setting before you today a blessings and a curse ----- the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the command of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”  God is saying. "It’s your choice. You can choose either blessing in your life, or a curse. If you want blessings, then keep my commands. If you want a curse, then disobey my commands & follow other gods."
In reading the Old Testament, we find over and over again how Israel enjoyed the blessings of God. God gave them good harvests; their families were healthy & strong. God blessed them with children. God gave them wealth. They had peace & harmony in their society & defeated their enemies.  Whenever they chose to follow after other god’s a curse fell upon them. The harvest was not bountiful; plagues swept through the land, 10’s of thousands of people died as a result of their disobedience; and when enemies attacked them, they were defeated & carried off into bondage. 
"Why would anyone choose the curse? Why doesn’t everyone pursue the blessing?" The answer, I think, is found in the words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7: 13 & 14.  Jesus is saying, "The road that leads to destruction is so broad & so enticing that many follow that road, even though they know it leads to destruction. But only a few people choose to live eternally and right by taking the narrow way."

Tomorrow I will share with you 4 things that will bring blessings into your life.  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prayer Schedule

To help us go deeper into our prayer life, I have posted a sample prayer schedule.  This schedule includes many hindrances we can tear down through prayer.  Try it for just one week and then send me your testimonies of how God blessed your life.  

Remember 7 days without prayer makes 1 weak!
        Pray For
Favor With God , Spiritual Revelation, Anointing, &
Favor with man, Government, Unsaved/backslidden, & Ministry Staff & relationship w/leaders
Wisdom & Enlightenment, Right Motives, & Guidance
Health, Appearance, Attitudes, & Spiritual /Physical Wholeness
Warfare /Protection, Temptation, Deception, Enemies, & Fear
Finances, Priorities, & Blessings
·        Children
·        Spouse
·        Other relatives