Based on the book Fasting by Jentezen Franklin
Why Have We Failed at Fasting?
· Why is fasting so commonly overlooked if it is a part of that threefold cord of normal Christian duties? Jentezen Franklin says, “You see fasting means crucifying what I refer to as “King Stomach.” And in case you don’t know who King Stomach is, just move your handout of the way, look down, and introduce yourself. You’ve probably already heard him rumble in disagreement a time or two since you began this study.”
· It has been said that the way to a man’s heart is through his ______ .
Most women have come to know it, but we need to realize that the devil knows it too! (Wow!)
What does Fasting Do For Us
· Fasting sets the course for our lives.
· Fasting prepares us for blessings.
· Fasting releases the principles of Matthew 6:33 in our lives.
Pratical Tips for Fasting
· Remember when you begin a fast, if it doesn’t mean anything to you it won’t mean anything to God. It must be combined with prayer and the Word of God.
· Fasting itself is a continual prayer before God. When we are fasting we are dying to our flesh so that God’s desires become our desires. There will be times your spirit desires to pray for long periods of time and other times when you are physically drained. Remember Christ is interceding on your behalf.
· Fasting is not a time to sit in front of the television. (see pg. 36-37)
· Don’t gorge yourself on food the days before a fast. Taper off your food intake in preparation for your fast.
· Water is the faster’s best friend, so drink plenty of water throughout.
Physical Benefits : Healing
· Fasting cleanses your body. (Especially when you are eating only vegetables or meat and vegetables.)
· As you begin a fast, you may notices a sort of coating on your tongue for a few days. It is a sign the fast is helping your body eliminate toxins. (Note: We consume on average 4 pounds of chemical preservatives, colorings, stabilizers, flavorings, and additives each year. These build up in our bodies and cause illness and disease. Fasting is necessary to flush our bodies of these poisons and gives the body time to heal. It relieves nervousness, tension, and gives our digestive systems time to rest.
· Dr. Oda H. F. Birchinger, has supervised more than 7 thousand fast and said, “ Fasting (Daniel Fast particularly) is a royal road to healing, for anyone who agrees to take it, for recovery and regeneration of the body, mind, and spirit” It can help:
o Rheumatisn in the joints and muscles
o Disease of the heart, circulation, blood vessels, stress-related exhustation, and skin diseases (pimples & complexion problems), irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, disease of respiratory organs, allergies such as hay fever and eye diseases
Read Romans 12:1
Prayer, Fasting, and Giving is how we “present” our bodies to God as a “living” sacrifice. Fasting keeps us sensitive to His Spirit, enabling us to live holy.
Final Thoughts From Jentezen Franklin
“I am convinced that we will never walk in the perfect will of God until we seek Him through fasting. When you present your body in this manner, you open yourself up to hear from God. You will discover His good and perfect will for your life.”
“Fasting prepares you for a new anointing.” (See Mark 2: 21-22)
“Satan gets disturbed and defeated when you decide to be more than a Sunday morning Christian. The devil knows fasting releases God’s power.”
Closing - Read Psalms 34:8
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