KJV (King James Version): “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. (2) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, & sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Weight #4 – Jealousy
Jealousy means to demand complete devotion; intolerance, suspiciousness, hostile, harboring envy, REFUSAL TO SHARE... POSSESSIVE ... mine. Proverbs 6:34 - “For jealousy is the RAGE of a man, therefore he will not be spared in the day of vengeance.”
Song of Solomon 8:6 ... “For love is as strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are the coals of fire, which hath the most vehement flame.”
JEALOUSY IS A VENOM, A POISON. Sari’s relationship with Hagar immediately changed once Sarai was poisoned with jealousy over the son Hagar & Abram shared.
It was the gossip and rumors that the children of Israel heard and believed and chose not to enter their land flowing with milk and honey in their due season.
JEALOUSY STOPS COMMUNICATION. It was jealousy that stopped the communication between the prodigal son and his elder brother.
JEALOUSY CAUSES YOU TO SEE OTHERS AS ENEMY. Saul had it in his mind that David was his enemy. He saw everything as a threat to his kingdom and family.
Jealousy is too heavy and damaging to carry around. Lay it aside.
Weight #5 – Worry
Worry is a cause of anxiety; to affect with mental distress or agitation. Philippians. 4:6 Living Bible says ... “Worry about nothing, instead pray about everything and then thank Him for the answers.”
Humans are the only creature that has learned to worry. We literally worry about any and everything possible. We worry about whether people like us or not, reputations, our shapes, our jobs, bills, children, aging parents, health, family dysfunctions; we worry away our future, discontent with the present, unable to sit still, unable to face the idea of death. We are just creatures of worry.
Many times we see life like a puzzle, we see one piece at a time. God has a "BIGGER PICTURE." He knows what it looks like when all the pieces are put together and we have to trust as if we see what He sees.
Martha’s worrying caused a relationship problem with her sister. Martha had a clean house, but missed being at Jesus’ feet. Worry distorts and enlarges faults in other people. Rather than Martha focusing on who was in her presence she was worried about things that really didn’t matter. Stop focusing on the situations around you and place your focus on Jesus. God has promised that He’ll supply our need. It’s His desire that we prosper and be in health. He knows our past, present, and our future and we must trust that He’s working things out for our good. The song says Don’t Worry Be Happy but I admonish you today “Don’t worry be prayerful.” Lay worry aside.
Wow! This load is getting lighter already but there are still some heavy things that we are carrying around. Don't the weights back in your backpack. Leave them at the foot of the cross. It’s uncomfortable and worrisome to lug around weight we absolutely can't handle. Lay it aside! It is so much easier to run this race with patience without all the excess weight. Verse 2 tells us just what we need to do it reads, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, & sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Jesus ran this race with patience and endurance. He knew it would not be profitable to carry around excess baggage. Though was tempted by Satan he never sinned. He didn’t have to lay it aside because He chose to never pick it up. He never blamed anyone for the circumstances of His life even though he could have. For I’m sure there were those who talked about Him being Mary’s illegitimate baby boy. Jesus never let greed be a hindrance to His mission for everywhere He was giving away food, giving out healings, raising the dead, spending time with those others felt were not important. For Jesus was not jealous of anyone. He ran the race on Earth for you and I when He could have been sitting on His throne in glory. Jesus never worried. He wasn’t worried but rather prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He wasn’t worried when they carried Him from judgment hall to judgment hall. He wasn’t worried when they beat Him beyond recognition. He wasn’t worried when he marched up Golgotha’s Hill. He wasn’t worried when they hung Him high and stretched Him wide. He wasn’t worried when He cried out, “It is finished.” Jesus sure wasn’t worry when the grave couldn’t hold Him. He didn’t worry when He rose from the grave. He’s not worried right now as He sits on the right hands side of His Father. Therefore if you want to be light so you can truly run this Christian race, lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
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