I never have a desire to boost Satan in any way but the reality for the Christian is that he is our enemy, He hates us for the mere fact that we absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt love God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the precious Holy Spirit that we carry within us daily. It is for that reason that he has a desire to take us out. John 10:10 ESV tells us "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Jesus died at Calvary that we might have life and to have it in abundance. That's exciting to me because whatever the enemy might have planned for me the blood of Jesus covered up Satan's plan that I might have the abundant life that Christ died for in my stead. Wow! I know that Satan has some messed up stuff planned for me because 1st Peter 5:8 ESV tells me "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." He's looking for someone to take out and he does not care who you are. The more you love God the better you are for him to take out. Therefore, I have come to understand that some obstacles that we go through are simply because of who we are in Christ Jesus. Sometiemes our struggles are because of things that we have done so we must assess ourselves before laying the blame.
I used to think I was the only one that the devil tried to mess with but I have come to find out if you love God attacks will come. Actually, this a good tool to measure if you are headed in the right direction. My husband used an illustration in a sermon not long ago and he said if you and Satan are headed in the same direction you will not run into each other but if you are headed in opposite directions eventually you will collide. This is definitely true. I recently heard an interview that Martha Munizzi gave. She said that when God used her the greatest that Satan attacked her the most and made her feel so bad that she would go to bed and curl up in a fetal position and feel so defeated. That is the way he wants us to feel and I to have felt this way but we must remember he is a liar and because he is on his way to hell he wants to distract our glory for God.
During my recent situation I had my own battles with the devil. It began when I had to complete my preoperative testing. I had to complete the routine bloodwork, EKG, and chest x-ray. I went to my primary care doctor after the testing to get the results of my yearly bloodwork and he had a very concerned sound in his voice. He said "we have a few things we need to talk about." Ok........what could be wrong with my bloodwork. I had been fasting for 21 days and eating only fruits, vegetables, and grains so this should have been some of my better bloodwork. It was not my bloodwork at all. It was all great. However, he had gotten a call from the cardiologist concerning my EKG. I took a deep breath and said with a smile ok what is going on? I have to have clearance before my surgery. He continued by telling me that my EKG was abnormal and I needed to go to The Heart Center to see a cardiologist and to get some cardiac testing.
Satan had attacked my mind concerning my heart since I was a young child. I had alway been concerned about dying of a heart attack because everyone of my dad's siblings that are deceased as well as his father died of a massive heart attack. I have even had a first cousin to die of a massive heart attack at a young age. Also, each of his living siblings have severe heart problems with the exception of one. The pattern of their lives are everything is fine and boom.....dead. I'm sure there were warning signs they ignored but I can't prove that. My father was the exception. He had a very strong heart and died of cancer.
I had no signs of heart problems and now an abnormal EKG. My honest first thought was devil you just won't give up. I was not worried or saddened but I wanted to kick the devil in the face because I knew this was another one of his tactics. My husband was a bit disturbed but I had to remind him that we are no different than anyone else. It's life and we are living it. Thank God one day He gave me a Word that changed my life concerning the troubles we may encounter. He asked me the question, "Can I Trust You With Trouble?" My answer was YES! See we must remember that if we say we love and trust God and trouble comes along and we fall apart and act so defeated what does that say about the greatness of our God? What is the sinner to think? If He's so great why are you so defeated so I have learned that my greatest obstacles are my best times to give God glory because it is He that is going through with me. I am not alone and those around me need to see that I trust Him even when I am going through the most devastating times in my life. I don't know a lot but I do know that God loves me and He is always with me.
I go to see the cardiologistand they take another EKG in the office and he tells me my heart is fine. :) Hahahaha Devil! I asked him what was the previous problem with the EKG. He said the technician placed the leads in the wrong locations. However, since you are here we will do some cardiac testing to make sure everything is fine. Usually, the testing is a two or three day process but God is so gracious. The scheduler that I was assigned was one of our Walnut Grove parents and she blessed me on that day. I told her I was off only that day and had meetings scheduled the next day. She very kindly made some calls to her friends upstairs and got all my test scheduled for that day. Only God can get you royal treatment like that. She didn't owe me any favors but God put her in a position to bless me and she did. As I tear up right now, I'm just grateful that God loves me so and I just want to make Him the proudest dad.
I completed the treadmill test, pictures of my heart by laying still in a tunnel for about 20 minutes, and an ultrasound of my heart. I survived them all with no problems. Yes, big girls can survive a treadmill. :) The result of all the testing was that my heart was healthy and I was cleared for surgery. What a mighty God we serve. I don't know if God and Satan had a conversation about me like they did Job, but if they did I all I can say is wow! Now, on the other side of this I can see that what Satan meant for evil God turned it around for my good. I no longer have to be defeated in my mind concerning my heart. I now know it is healthy and it is my job to keep it that way by eating a healthy diet and getting the proper exercise.
Oh, I didn't mean to leave you hanging in the air on yesterday concerning my diagnosis. The praise report concerning my hystercetomy is that there was No Cancer Present! I give glory to God for that. I am mindful to pray for others who did not get that report. I am mindful to pray for the young mommy that I sat next to in the doctors office who just had a baby and is having to go through chemo. I am mindful of the business woman who comes to get treatments between meetings. I am mindful of the child that can't play in the neighborhood with the other kids because of the disease he or she carries in their body. I think there are times God places us in these places to see the faces of those we are to be intercessors for and I'm more than glad to do it. So as you go along your day today please intercede for the mother, father, child, grandmother, and grandfather that you have never seen the face of but needs prayer. We don't have to see a face or know a name to pray for the masses that need to be healed. Most of all don't forget to pray for those who are sin sick and need to be saved. May God bless you as you pray for others this day. I love you all.
I'm so glad your health is better than they thought! We love you dearly and have been praying for you. Thank you for blessing us with this testimony. I needed to hear this as Satan and I have been headbutting for a week or so now at work and family. I miss working with you each day and having our prayer meetings and Bible talk session at the end of rough days.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I love you and your family very much. Keep fighting because you know you have already won the battle. Christ did that at Calvary once and for all. Satan just keeps trying to intimidate us but keep reminding him of his destiny and yours. Hang in there. The rough days are reminders that blessings are coming.