Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lay Aside the Weight

NLT (New Living Translation): “Therefore since we are surrounded by such huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (2) We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.  He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards.  Now He is seated in the place of the highest honor beside God’s throne in heaven.”

Now let us look at part b of this verse.   Part be says, 1b - “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us.”  We all know in the physical, carrying extra weight around slows our movement and progress.   Unfortunately, many of us like myself make that choice of losing weight a yearly goal.  In the physical many Americans always need to lay aside some weight. 

Well this weight that we are talking about in this passage is not physical weight but rather spiritual weights.  What are some of these things that we carry around that so easily beset us.  Today, I have some weights with me that are common to weigh us all down at some time during our Christian race.  Often times we don’t realize how heavy the burdens are that we carry.  It is this unnecessary weight that we are carrying around that hinders our race for Jesus Christ.   Today, we are going to identify and rid ourselves of some of this ungodly weight. 

Some of the weights that hinders God’s plans for our lives are:
1.SIN    2.BLAME    3.GREED   4.JEALOUSY   5.WORRY                                         

Weight #1  - Sin
Sin is missing the mark of God’s will by choice and because of human weakness.  When we sin, we disobey God in our actions or attitudes.  We betray Him, or fail to do good.  Sin always brings pain.
Sin leads in YOU IN PROGRESSIVE STEPS farther and farther from God and His Will.  Let’s  look at the lives of Adam & Eve to see where sin can cause you to carry too much weight.    A. Eve LISTENED...In Gen. 3:1 The enemy had a message, he SOLD EVE the package.B. Eve SAW...vs. 6...woman saw the tree was GOOD for food....** Sin starts in the eyes, appealing to sense, that seed grows in brain.....C. Eve TOOK...vs. 6...she took of the fruit thereof...ONCE ONE ENTERS THE PROCESS, THE NEXT STEP IS PROGRESSIVE.  A visit with a good friend, hanging out with a co-worker, needing someone to listen, talking over our problems, an innocent kiss, a warm hug, a LIE.....D. Eve ATE... Forbidden fruit may be exciting, but it makes BAD JAMS.  E. Eve GAVE...Gen. 3:6 She gave also to her husband...** Sin is contagious it draws others into our trap.
F. ADAM DID EAT...Gen. 3:6...He did eat...** God gives us free will and choice.  You can choose not to sin.  G. ADAM & Eve BECOME A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A BAD EXAMPLE.  1. Adam’s sin does more than a little harm.  Because of his sin we all come under a generational curse.  SIN WILL TAKE YOU FARTHER THAN YOU PLANNED ON GOING....SIN WILL KEEP YOU LONGER THAN YOU PLANNED ON STAYING....SIN WILL COST YOU MORE THAN YOU PLANNED ON PAYING....CONTROL THE EYES AND HEART...Control your DESIRES...
The center of s(i)n... pr(i)de...    &  Luc(i)fer  is  I.... carnal....selfish.  There are 2 Kinds of People:  1) The Righteous -They see themselves as sinners saved by grace. 2) The Sinners – They see themselves as righteous.  Release the weight of sin from your life the consequences are way too heavy to carry around.  Next, we will talk about the weight of blame. 

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