Children enjoy being the center of attention and are easily offended.
Children find delight in being the center of attention. If someone else is receiving the attention, a baby will do, say, or scream at the top of his or her lungs to put him or herself in the spotlight. Children are very sensitive and easily hurt. They wear their feelings on their sleeves. When things don’t go their way they whine, cry, pout, and sulk. They haven’t learned to endure afflictions. So they only know to get offended when trouble comes. Do you get offended when someone sits in your spot, sings your song, turn down your suggestion, doesn’t praise you enough? If so your might be spiritually immature.
Many spiritual babes are like this. Rather than waiting and allowing God to exalt them they speak up, step out, act up, or show out in an effort to draw attention to them self. We’ve all seen the kid in the store that screams to the top of his or her lungs in the middle of the store because mommy won’t buy them what they want. That child figures if he or she can embarrass mommy she’ll get them they want. Often times they’ll buy it just to shut them up. Don’t push for attention wait on the Lord.
Children have very little knowledge and understanding.
Babies have very little knowledge and understanding, so they will drink poison, eat bugs, play in the street, and even jump into water over their heads. They don’t have a clear understanding about danger, so they rely on others to teach them.
1st Peter 2:2 says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby: Healthy children yearn to grow. Once we see our need for God’s Word and begin to find nourishment therein, our spiritual appetite will increase and we will start to mature. If we are shallow in our knowledge of the scriptures, then we are more than likely to be as shallow in applying the scriptures in our lives. There is no way you can be obeying the Bible if you are not reading it. Not reading God’s Word, not attending Sunday school, Bible Study, prayer meeting, and not attending worship on a regular basis makes you a spiritual baby.
Children are never satisfied.
A baby never ceases to whimper and cry for things. They cry when their hungry. They cry when their tired. They cry when their wet. They cry when they need attention. They cry when their hot. They cry when their cold. They cry when they hurt. They cry about everything! Many saints of God are just like this. They whimper and whine about everything. The preacher preaches too long. He didn’t shake my hand today. She didn’t even speak to me. He talked about me in the sermon today. Brother so and so didn’t ask me to be on his committee. First lady acted like she didn’t even see me but she sure spoke to so and so. Sister so and so tried to get a dress just like mine. Who told her to put new flowers in the bathroom? They didn’t tell me we were meeting. I’m not putting my tithe in an envelope. It’s nobody’s business how much money I’m putting in. I can’t afford to be giving those special offerings. Why do we always have chicken on the menu? Why can’t we have pork chops or meatloaf sometimes? Whah, whah, whah! Churches are filled with this kind of never ending murmuring and complaining. While the mature saints are praying, studying, and winning souls the babies are being Satan’s device to hinder ministry. Get a grip and grow up! I have a few more points to share so look for them on Monday. Go to church tomorrow and be blessed. :)
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