Scripture: Isaiah 6:2-4
God is holy. All holiness originates from God. If we want to be holy we must be in a right relationship with God who is holy. Leviticus 12:44 says, “For I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy.” In Isaiah 6:2-4 three of Isaiah’s senses are encapsulated in the holiness of God. Just as God did for Isaiah he wants to consume our thoughts, our senses, and our emotions with Himself. Isaiah sees something, he hears something, and he feels something.
Isaiah sees:
Seraphims – The term seraphims means fiery burning ones. Seraphims are heavenly angelic beings. Isaiah 6 is the only place in the Bible that mentions these creatures. Each seraph had 6 wings. They had two wings that covered their feet. The feet of the angels are covered because their feet are less honorable. Two wings covered their faces. They could not bear to see the holiness of God. According to Matthew Henry’s complete commentary, the angels cannot bear the dazzling luster of His divine glory. They are ashamed to show their faces before the holy God, who charges even his angels with folly (foolishness) if they should offer to compete for superiority with Him,( Job 4:18). The final two wings of the Seraphim are used to fly. These beings are very humble before the Lord. What was their purpose or assignment? These angels called special attention to the majesty and glory of God.
Isaiah Hears:
The angels cry out one to another holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host. The whole earth is full of His glory. God is the central object of all the seraphim’s praise. They sing with fervency and zeal for they cried aloud. When the angels cry holy they speak of His holiness, His authority, and His power. There is none that is greater than God. What a vision! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we awoke every morning full of adoration and worship on one accord crying aloud with fervency and zeal about the awesomeness of our God? I believe we too would have such an encounter with God that we would experience great change in our lives, our attitudes, and our worship forever.
It seems that it was ONLY ISAIAH who saw this glorious vision. If others were seated around him it does not appear that they had such a revelation. He doesn’t write “WE saw the Lord”, he says, “I saw the Lord”. Isn’t it amazing how we can be in the same place at the same time and see, hear, and feel something totally different? It’s amazing that during worship one person can be lifting his or her hands; another can be weeping tears of joy, and another sit with a blank stare, unmoved.
There is a sound that God is speaking in the Earth realm that only His chosen servants can hear. Everybody wasn’t hearing what God was allowing Isaiah to hear and everybody is not hearing what God is allowing us to hear. That is why we must remain holy so that we may hear the voice of God and speak that which God is speaking. Those around Isaiah might have been hearing the voices of demonic spirits but Isaiah heard God.
Isaiah feels:
Verse 4 says the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and he house was filled with smoke. The angels worship was so pure and the voice of the Lord is so mighty that it caused the post of the door to tremble. True worship shakes some stuff and moves some stuff in our lives. I don’t know about you but I have some stuff in my life that needs to be moved. So if my worship through this blog and in my life bothers you, I don't apologize because you don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. You don’t know what God has brought me through and you don’t understand that God is moving in my situation right now. I don’t know if you’ve figured it out by now but life happens. But I declare today that I have the prescription for everything that life sends. Do you want to know the prescription? I’m not selfish, I’ll tell you. The prescription is WORSHIP GOD!
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