Monday, September 19, 2011

Babes Have Trouble Staying Clean

Scripture: Ephesians 4: 14-15             

          Children simply cannot stay clean.  You can give them a bath and dress them all cute but before you know it they are all messed up.  They’ll spill juice, play in the toilet, find markers to write on themselves with, and even play in the flower pots.  Children just love to be in a mess. 
          Some saints find cleanliness to be difficult as well.  Do you walk a straight and clean path for the Lord or do you find yourself playing in the toilet of sin?  Let’s not pretend.  We know what sin is.  Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.” (John 15:3)  Most Christians don’t spend one tenth of their time reading their Bibles as they do watching television or listening to music that’s not labeled Christian or gospel music.  No wonder you can’t stay clean, you’re not using any cleanser!  Get saved for real.  Clean up with God’s Word.  The blood of Jesus will wash you whiter than snow. 
          The story is told of a little girl whose mom put her to bed one night.  She got in bed and her momma went about completing her chores for the evening.  About 30 minutes later momma heard a big thump on the floor.  She knew exactly what happened.  The girl had fallen out of the bed.  Momma quickly went to check on her child only to find her sitting in the middle of the floor with a confused look.  Momma did as momma’s so often do, grabbed her child and said, “Honey what happened?”  The girl replied, “I guess I stayed too close to where I got in.”  Spiritual babes often stay to close to where they got in! 
          You know you have become mature in Christ when you no longer are tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.  You are not easily deceived by those who speak with pretty words that hold no truth. Mature saints are able to love their brothers and sisters in spite of their shortcomings. 
          When we become mature in Christ we no longer need a bottle but we have cut some teeth and we can eat meat.  Mature saints grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Mature saints aren’t disillusioned by the things others do but rather they are focused on Christ.  Mature saints are patient.  They have learned to wait on the Lord.  Mature saints have sought out the gifts that God has blessed them with to edify mankind and to bring glory to the name of God.  Mature saints have learned to be satisfied no matter what their present condition. Mature saint do all things without murmuring and disputing. Mature saints walk in the spirit.  Mature saints are able to teach rather than needing to be taught.  Mature saints meditate on the Word day and night.  Mature saints pray without ceasing.  Mature saints are confident that He which hath begun a good work in them will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.  Saints we shouldn’t be wearing diapers and pull ups.  God has designed us to wear His armor. 
          Long ago Jesus Himself was born as a baby in Bethlehem to a young yet mature young virgin named Mary.  Although Mary had to endure persecution from the community, she was willing to grow up and be a servant of God.  Joseph as a good earthly father does, showed Jesus how to be a skilled carpenter.  But one day Jesus felt the pull of His true purpose tugging at Him and He had to grow up.  Why?  You and I needed a Savior.  We needed a bridge over the troubled waters of sin to connect us back to God and Jesus is that bridge.  At the age of 12 years old he announced to Joseph and Mary, “I must be about my Father’s business.” When are you going to make that announcement?  Joseph might have thought Jesus meant the business of carpentry but His mission was not limited to wood and nails although His final destiny included wood and nails.  Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, taught about His Father, saved sinners, raised the dead and headed towards Golgotha’s hill.  He was persecuted, beaten, and scraficed His very own life so we could remain immature children?  No!  So we could have a mature role model to pattern our lives after.  It was Jesus who showed us how to live and the rewards that are awaiting us.  Jesus, my Savior hung, bled, and died for you and me, that’s maturity.  Not only did he die but he was buried.  On the third day He got up with all power in His hands.  It is that same power that will give you the strength to say no more baba, no more diapers I’m gonna grow up and be mature in Christ. 


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