Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hearing God's Voice

Hearing the Voice of God
·        James 4:8
·        Communication is the life-giving blood that sustains all relationships.
·        Without blood the body dies; without communication relationships die.
·        When we communicate we listen with our hearts to the one who is speaking and then respond. 
·        To know and recognize a person’s voice, you must spend time with them.
·        Hearing the Lord’s voice becomes an everyday occurrence as you willingly spend time with Him and study His Word by meditating upon and memorizing scripture.
·        One test to know and determine the voice of God is it gently leads. 
·        When God speaks He does not use fear to motivate.  If fear overcomes you, it is the enemy speaking, not God.  (Read 2nd Timothy 1:7)
·        Most of us will never hear God speak audibly.  God usually speaks by impressing things upon our hearts through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Guidelines for Hearing the Voice of God
Satan does not want us to hear God’s voice because our partnership with God wreaks havoc on his kingdom.  The following guidelines are tools to help you win the battle over our enemy.
·        Bind the voice of the enemy
·        Submit your will to that of the Holy Spirit
·        Turn off your own problems
·        Give your undivided attention to God’s Word
·        Limit your own talking
·        Write it down
·        Don’t argue mentally
·        Wait on the Lord for the interpretation
·        Don’t get ahead of or lag behind the Holy Spirit
·        Be trustworthy
·        The Holy Spirit speaks through music
·        Pay attention to your dreams
·        Don’t be afraid of silence
Journaling: Recording What You Hear
·        Read Deuteronomy 9:10
·        The phrase “It is written” is found repeatedly in the Word of God. 
·        As we begin to hear God’s voice, we, too, must establish the habit of journaling – maintaining a personal record of experiences, observations, prayer request, and answered prayer. 
·        Journaling should always begin with a date of entry.
·        When God speaks something into your spirit, write it down.
·        Some things you share and others you don’t.
·        When you need strength reread over your experiences with God.  Look at the dates you prayed certain things and see when God answered.

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